In today’s hurry up and do it now society, people are constantly rushing around town on business and personal errands. When rushing from place to place results in a traffic citation, it is to your advantage to seek professional representation to avoid compounding the original mistake of the ticket. The primary advantages of hiring an attorney experienced in handling traffic offenses are:
• Protecting Your Driver’s License
• Avoiding Increased Insurance Premiums
• Saving the Time, Stress, and Hassle of Attending Court
Protecting Your Driver’s License
A common response to a traffic citation is to simply pay the fine and kick yourself for being in such a hurry or being so careless. Paying the fine could have disastrous consequences on your driver license. Legally, paying the fine is the same as pleading guilty. A guilty plea is a conviction under North Carolina traffic laws. Convictions of some traffic offenses automatically result in a suspension of a motorist’s license. For example, a conviction of speeding 61 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone results in a mandatory 30-day suspension of your driver’s license. Conviction of a Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) charge automatically results in at least one additional year of suspension. Even if an offense does not automatically suspend your license, convictions of most traffic offenses result in points on your license. In North Carolina you are allowed only 12 points on your license in a three-year period before the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can suspend your license.
An attorney experienced in handling traffic offenses knows how to avoid the negative consequences of North Carolina traffic laws. Additionally, using their knowledge and experience, attorneys can usually achieve results which avoid any suspension of a motorist’s drivers license.
Avoiding Increased Insurance Premiums
Another significant result of simply paying the fine for a traffic citation is the increased insurance premiums as a resulting from convictions. Under the North Carolina law, drivers convicted of moving traffic violations and drivers who cause accidents are charged higher insurance premiums. Moving violations and accidents result in points which drastically increase your insurance premiums. For example, conviction of speeding 79 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone results in a 90% increase in insurance premiums. A person paying a six-month premium of $300.00 would have his insurance rate almost doubled to $570.00 every six months for three years. Similarly, a driver convicted of Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) suffers a 220% rate increase. This would increase a $300.00 premium to $960.00 every six months for three years.
Just like buying the $5.00 oil filter now prevents a $1000.00 engine repair later, in most cases an attorney experienced in handling traffic offenses can save you a lot of money on your insurance premiums. In many cases, an attorney can negotiate a dismissal or a plea to a reduced charge that avoids any insurance increase. The typical attorney fee for a traffic case is significantly less than the 3-year increase in insurance premiums.
Saving the Time, Stress, and Hassle of Attending Court
Most drivers receive traffic citations because they are hurrying to take care of business and personal affairs. Spending two to three hours in court only compounds the problem. Additionally, many people understandably feel uncomfortable about standing in a courtroom, facing prosecution from the State and punishment from the Judge. As a convenience, attorneys can and often do appear on behalf of their clients in most traffic cases by waiver of appearance. This means clients can sign a form waiving their right to be present in Court and authorize their attorney to represent them in their (client’s) absence. That way, clients do not have to miss school, work (loss of more money) or otherwise be inconvenienced by the process.
Remember, drive safely and responsibly, but if you get into, well, a jam, don’t hesitate to toot your horn for a lawyer. We can help!