Geneva Mixon has been employed with the Cumberland County Workforce Development Center for 14 years. She began her employment with Cumberland County in 1992 as an Employment & Training Case Manager and in 2004 became the Project Coordinator for the National Emergency Grants (NEG). As Project Coordinator, Mixon supervises six (6) personnel. Her staff consists of an Office Assistant, four (4) Case Managers, and one (1) Eligibility Specialist. The staff coordinates their efforts with the local Employment Security Commission, Workforce Development, and Fayetteville Technical Community College and other local providers.
The NEG will be used to conduct a Transition Services Program designed to assist eligible spouses of active-duty military service members and Department of Defense employees of Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base, who have lost their jobs due to a military transfer or reduction in force, with employment or training that leads to employment. The program was funded to run for two years and provide services to over 650 customers in order to assist in the economic well being of the local area and the state.
The Transition Services Program provides tuition assistance, child care, transportation assistance, and employment searching skills to those individuals accepted into the program. The program serves as a one-stop facility and is housed at the Cumberland County Spring Lake Family Resource Center.
The program provides several types of assistance, which is based on an individual’s needs. The assistance provided includes but is not limited to on-the-job training, work experience training, public sector employment, one time emergency assistance, short term employment training, and child care assistance. All assistance is provided as a vehicle to allow survivors to regain a level of self sufficiency for themselves and their family.
Geneva Mixon is presently serving as the Specialized Customer Service Committee Chair of the North Carolina Association of Workforce Professionals (NCAWP). As the Chair of this organization, promotion of this program is shared with the NCAWP members. She is also serving on the Spring Lake Chamber Board, the Cumberland County Transportation Advisory Board.
For additional information and to receive services, please contact us at the Cumberland County Workforce Development Spring Lake Family Resource Center, 103 Laketree Boulevard Spring Lake, NC 28390 or (910) 321- 6441/(910) 321-6442.