Welcome once again to the Credit Corner, as in always it is a joy to serve you and yours. This column is always written with the intent of showing the consumer how to restore their existing credit file and also establish new credit. Always remember don’t let credit work against you, but rather, make credit work for you by being better informed about the credit system. Learning how to work the credit system can result in a good credit profile and will enable you to become money wise and credit wise. The basic principals are fairly easy to master. All that is required is your desire to learn and a personal commitment to take advantage of the financial opportunity available to you. Seekers of good credit, and how to make good credit work for you, will build up your financial future. The suggestions given to you by this company will help you to become wise and use good credit to your advantage. Learn how to establish good credit, or if you have good credit, learn where to get the best deals on all avenues of credit. Please follow our columns as will provide you with valuable information and a bright financial future.
It is important to understand that you should not apply for any credit until you have completed the basic steps in restoring your credit file. If you do not, you may continue to be denied for credit, and you will reduce your ability in obtaining additional credit if you have unfavorable credit information on your file. Please remember that no credit file is beyond restoring. It is important for us to obtain a your credit file with your permission, remove or minimize unfavorable credit entries, and add new credit references. Establishing and growing a credit history is vital to your financial success.
Your Credit File: With the advent of the computer, the credit bureau has become a powerful private investigator into your financial life. Weather you like it or not, they are tracking your every financial move. Most of the banks rely on these credit bureaus to determine if you are a credit worthy individual. You should do everything in your power to make sure that what has, and will be reported to these credit bureaus, is correct and fair. Bureaus are general information gathering data bases for your financial transactions. Most institutions such as: banks, credit card issuers, department stores, car dealers, etc., report to these bureaus regarding the way you pay your debts. If you are late, it is recorded on your report. If you are current, it is also recorded, together with how much you owe and so forth. If you have not seen your own credit report, you should. You are the only person who may have it changed, dispute the information, add to it or delete items from your report and if need be you can also hire a company such as ours and we will get the job done for you. Also keep in mind that no one may have credit information from your file without permission. Creditors use a credit report, supplied by one or more credit reporting agencies, which contains credit information that the credit agencies believe is indicative of your ability to handle credit. Remember there are three credit reporting bureaus that maintain national credit files and several hundred local agencies that maintain local or regional files. Prayerfully we have helped someone along this highway of credit restoration and financial success. Until the next column may God richly bless you all in the world of credit. Complete Credit Restoration can be reached by simply dialing (910) 223-0476 or 866-788-7802 and our fax (910) 223-0478.