Insoul Fellowship Church will celebrate 3 years of ministry on Easter April 2006. Insoul went public in April 2003 and launched on Easter Sunday. The first celebration was held at the Westover High School Auditorium. Guests included: Christopher Martin (Kid & Play Duo), Shirley Murdock, Phil Driscol, and Ronald Winans. Insoul remained at Westover until August 2003, the church moved to its present location, the former Cinema V Theater located at 828 Shannon Drive (across from The Giant Flea Market on Bragg Boulevard).
Since it’s birth, the ministry has continued to grow and has a Sunday Morning attendance of 600 people, has started several new ministries, and sponsored community events. The focus is put on changing the lives of people and giving them hope.
Insoul is a non-denominational church that breaks the traditional mold of doing church. "God has more than 31 flavors, that’s what makes Him so awesome". Everyone will not do church the same way and will not enjoy the same things. The world would be a very boring place is everybody was the same.
Insoul is very contemporary in it’s methods, to include it’s music, but everything is Bible-based. "Jesus said, he came to seek and save those who are lost" says Pastor Johnson. "We look at Insoul as a spiritual hospital, where people with problems, and real life issues can come and be ministered to without being frowned upon. We understand everyone will not be attracted to Insoul Church. We will reach the people whom God has assigned to us".
To visit Insoul on Sunday Morning is to enter a celebration meeting. The hugs, warm smiles, joy, music, drama and practical sermons are some of the pieces that cause many to come back. The relaxed atmosphere is very soothing. Vedia Johnson (first lady of Insoul) stated "One of the things that make Insoul what it is, two people can sit by each other, one can have on a suit and the other can be casually dressed and both feel comfortable."
What are the contributing factors for the continual growth?
Insoul believes church growth is spiritual but also a science. After we pray and seek God, the church has to go do something. Insoul actually does the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Insoul believes a Great Commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will grow a Great Church. Out of those two passages of scripture are 5 purposes: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Missions. Learning to balance these purposes in the Church and your life reaps great benefits.
There is no one thing to do to cause church growth, but it is a combination of several things which is: balancing the 5 purposes. A balanced church will grow to be a healthy church. The church is not called to do one thing; it is called to do many things. Paul points this out in 1 Corinthians 12; the body of Christ has many parts to it. It’s not just an eye, hand or feet. It is a system of interworking parts and organs. When all of these systems are in balance with each other, that is called "health". Imbalance is illness.
What’s Ahead at Insoul..........…..
Insoul envisions at least 95+ acres of land, on which we will build a regional church. The physical plant will serve as the headquarters to a new church revolution. It’s a facility that will seat several thousands and consist of a Worship facility, Christian School, Counseling, Prayer Center and a Retreat and Conference Center. Recreational facilities will include a bowling alley, movie theater, recording studio, retail shops and a highly competitive athletic facility.
Hoke county is a fast growing county, a strategic location to conduct ministry throughout the entire Sandhills region and offers many opportunities for reaching out to the less fortunate. It has been noted that several ministries such as Meals-On-Wheels, Boys and Girls Clubs, Food/Clothing Banks, Homeless Shelters, Developmental Arts Programs to name a few. In moving to the Hoke County area, we will be able to offer many of the ministries that are needed.
Just For The Cause Campaign. Insoul is currently under contract to purchase 95+ Acres of land located in Hoke County. The cost of the property is 1.4 million. For more information go to the website at or call (910) 487-1313
Bill Winston, host of a national television ministry. Coming to Insoul May 3, 2006 @ 7:00 pm
Spring Celebration starts Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006. Guests include: Howard Hewitt, "Small Fire, formerly "Small Frye" and Cheryl "Salt" Wray (former member of Salt & Pepa Duo)