The North Carolina State Beauticians and Cosmetologist are celebrating their 68th Annual State Convention in Fayetteville, NC at the Holiday Inn Bordeaux from April 21-24, 2006. The N.C.S.B.C.A., Inc. was established in 1939 and is one of the oldest, most prestigious groups of entrepreneurs in North Carolina.
We will have four days packed with excitement for you. Something for everyone to do and see. Not only for the Cosmetologist but the public is invited to attend our trade show floor as well. Some of the items you will find besides hair products are dresses, hats, jewelry, leather, oils, African attire, art and much, much more. Our continuing education classes are certified by the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts. You must remember to bring your license number with you in order to receive credit for attending classes. The classes being offered are: Microdermabrasion 4 hrs, Advanced Computer 4 hrs, Hair Weaving 8 hrs, Basic Manicuring and Intro to Silk Wraps 8 hrs, Natural Hair Care with braids and extensions 8 hrs, Hands on haircutting 8 hrs (bring your shears, combs, water bottles and clips), How to press hair Professionally 4 hrs, Going into business using Marketing Management Skills 4 hrs, Application of relaxer and semi-permanent color 4 hrs, Hair coloring-chemical relaxer- permanent waving 8 hrs and Salon business/computer (basics) 8 hrs.
Our schedule of events starts Saturday night with our Youth For Beauty and Ms. Institute pageants starting at 7:00 pm. This is always an elegant affair and it is free to the public. This year we are blessed to have the Fayetteville State Gospel Choir and Rejoice Ministry of the Performing Arts, who are with Ballet Magnificat-professional Christian artist. This should be a grand opening and we want you all to come out and enjoy it with us.
Sunday morning we start things off right with a Religious Retreat at 10:30 am. and we always have a high time in the Lord. At 12:30 pm we will open our trade show and our vendors are looking forward to you coming out to shop and take advantage of great savings. They will be there until 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited. CE classes will be going on from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm. There are five classes to chose from. We end this day with our Presidents Award Banquet with 100 Stylist in Black and Silver at 7:30 pm. Such a beautiful occasion.
Monday our classes start, after devotion, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Monday is also our student day with classes for them and their student competition at 3:00 pm. This competition is always very exciting and fun. It is for cosmetology, barber and nail students. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies, money and prizes. Even if you are not taking classes we want you to come out and cheer on and support the students. For more information about student day contact Dr. Betty Franks at 919-247-9493.
Monday evening will start out with something quite different. We will have a "Grab Bag" Professional Competition. If you know that you are bad when it comes to your trade then come out and compete. You will receive a "grab bag" with some surprise supplies in it and you will be expected to style and work on your model with what you get in your bag. If you don’t have a model you can grab one from the audience. This should be a lot of fun. The entry fee is only $35.00. There will be trophies and cash prizes. For more information on this please call Sarah Ledet at 919-772-5030. After the competition the Trendsetters release will take place with styles and presentations on the latest trends and our magazine. To top the evening off, stay to enjoy our fabulous Fashion Explosion on the runway.
On Tuesday we will have our final business session but some of the vendors will still be on the trade show floor. Our Jr. Executive Board luncheon will take place from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Hats are a part of the attire for this event because if you don’t have a hat you won’t have a chance to win one of the two cash prizes when your ticket number is called.
Pre-registration for 12 hrs of continuing education is only $100.00, on-site registration $125.00, Banquet fee $30.00, Jr. Executive Board luncheon $20.00 and Youth for Beauty breakfast $20.00. Entry to the trade show is free. Also free are all of the competitions, the Religious Retreat, the Pageants, and the Fashion show. So mark your calendars for April 21-24th. We really hope to see all of you there.
For more information please contact Dr. Carol Lyles 919-776-1133, Dr. Jennifer Baylock 910-630-6147, Dr. R. A. George 704-537-8422 and Dr. Lucy Taylor 252-450-0628. All vendors are welcome.